Vocal Workshops

Vocal workshops for technique and self-empowerment by Anat the Voice Teacher and Coach

Anat offers two main types of workshops:

  1. Vocal technique for performing artists – the basics of vocal technique.

This workshop teaches the participants to use their voice efficiently (10h)

  1. Vocal workshops for self-realization and self-empowerment.

The vocal process enables the participant to free her/his voice. (5h)

Those workshops were very successful during 2019 and gave much value to the participants.

To join a workshop in 2020, please send a message and indicate which workshop you would like to attend.

All relevant details will be sent to you in the reply.

Anat continues to develop workshop concepts, follow the Facebook page for updates !

If you are a group of people who are interested to learn and practice together,

Anat will be happy to offer you a custom workshop that meets your needs.

Participants Recommend

Anat’s workshop was excellent, I warmly recommend it to anyone who uses the voice in their work. Not only singing, but any practice from speaking to vocal improv would benefit from her approach, it really helped open up the voice and connect it to the whole body. Very intensive work over a short period of time and very specific response to each participant. She immediately observes what your issues are and what might be useful, and suggests individuals exercises in addition to the group work, this was really helpful. Thank you

Irina Gheorghe

I really recommend her work. In less time, she can see and hear what your issues are and give you very concrete exercises and feedback to keep you growing. Thanks so much Anat! it was a pleasure to meet you…I love also your sense of humor! Keep it forever! very important!!!!

Anat Kavalis

Workshop Lessons

Die Sessions sind sehr intensiv und tief gehend. Absolut professionell. Es ereignet sich z Z etwas was ich immer gesucht habe und von alleine oder im Gesangsunterricht nicht fand. Ich bin dran. Die gut angeleiteten , genau beobachteten individuellen Übungen des Atems treiben mich als Sängerin Schauspielerin und Menschen in eine (neue)Dimension 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Susanne Bredehoeft

Workshop Lessons

I highly recommend you Anat Tuvia‘s work: in just a few sessions I regained consciousness for my entire breath. This experience helped me boost my self-confidence and free my voice!
Check schedules and make an appointment!

Darinka Ezetra Batres

Workshop Lessons

I’m taking part of the breathing sessions and I’m really enjoying it. With simple exercises I’m getting more conscience about my breathing habits and it helps me a lot to release my body, emotions and tensions while breathing. I’m also enjoying breathing with conscience in many moments and it feels just great. It’s like a new door to myself. Thank you Anat.

Giovanna Piazza
